tirsdag den 23. december 2008

Waking up in New York

So somehow I finally arrived in New York - after looking forward to it since I bought the ticket a few months ago.

The trip over here was as you can expect, but when I arrived in Newark Airport, it occured to me that the phone I have with me doesn't work in the States. That meant I was standing in Newark Airport without a phone, in desperate need of calling Christoffer to tell him I had landed.
The phone booths wasn't helping, so I decided to find Manhattan and take it from there. The bus ride was exactly as amazing as I had been told from home. And the feeling stepping out of the bus.. OMGWTF.

After my first night on the couch and the first breakfast (pancakes, maple syrup and coffee (YUMMI!)), I'm off on my first real tour in New York. Christoffer has to do some work, so Lea and I are heading uptown. Today's mission is: drink coffee, find a blazer for Aslak and find a New Years dress for Lea

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