tirsdag den 24. august 2010

Back in Cph


This is kind if weird.

Louise and I flew from Reykjavik last night at 1:00 am local time (3:00 am Danish time) and landed 3 hours later in Cph (6:00 am Danish time). My dad was there to pick us up and took us to his house north of Copenhagen, where we had breakfast.

Now Louise is at work and I'm sitting in our apartment looking out on a gray, windy, rainy backyard. Could it be more different from what I have been used to for the last 3-ish months?

I can never get my head around how much things look the same even though you've been away for a while.
So different, but still so familiar.

I wonder what it would've been like without the 4 days of acclimation in Iceland.. It's almost a scary thought.

But I'm looking so much forward to seeing you all. No doubt there!

/ Aslak

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...

Bike time!

Aslak sagde ...

Yessirs! Har også lige haft kærligt gensyn med mit kære herhjemme. Savnet har vist været gensidigt