tirsdag den 24. august 2010

Back in Cph


This is kind if weird.

Louise and I flew from Reykjavik last night at 1:00 am local time (3:00 am Danish time) and landed 3 hours later in Cph (6:00 am Danish time). My dad was there to pick us up and took us to his house north of Copenhagen, where we had breakfast.

Now Louise is at work and I'm sitting in our apartment looking out on a gray, windy, rainy backyard. Could it be more different from what I have been used to for the last 3-ish months?

I can never get my head around how much things look the same even though you've been away for a while.
So different, but still so familiar.

I wonder what it would've been like without the 4 days of acclimation in Iceland.. It's almost a scary thought.

But I'm looking so much forward to seeing you all. No doubt there!

/ Aslak

fredag den 20. august 2010

Tip #4

Jeg beklager den dårlige lyd, men det er sgu lidt svært at finde læ, når man står oppe på en gletscher.

Tip Lyngmarksbræen from Aslak Lau Rolvsen on Vimeo.

søndag den 15. august 2010

3 days in heaven is better than 1 day in heaven

Fra bunden af mit hjerte, tak. Tak. Tak.

Hannah, Jon og Kristine.

onsdag den 11. august 2010

Tip #3

If you think that 4 days is enough for doing the things you want to do here, book 7 days.
There are two reasons why you should do this:

Reason no. 1:
It is when you don't have any plans a lot of the unforgettable things happen.
For example, yesterday was the first day of school for the new 1st graders.
We didn't have any plans, so I could just enjoy this fantastic scenary. All the small boys and girls in their national costumes sucking their thumbs and crying when daddy left them in front of the crowd. Unforgettable.

Reason no. 2:
There is this word in Greenlandic : "Immaqa". The best translation of Immaqa would be something like maybe.
Immaqa can be used in a lot of different contexts, but mostly we (the guides) use it for our guests to describe the insecurity surrounding the completion of the excursions.
Today two of our guests was supposed to go on a helicopter ride to the glacier front. A trip they have been looking forward to very much.
And then we woke up today and saw a very wet, foggy Ilulissat.
At first the heli ride was postponed for an hour, but then after an hour we had to go tell the guests that their trip was cancelled. That will never be my favorite part of the job.
My message is this: You never know what happens here. An engine can get a leak, the fog can come in, the captain of the boat can be drunk.. It's waaay better to expect your trips to be cancelled or rearranged - and to have the time for it.

søndag den 8. august 2010

Tip #2

Find great people that make your days beautiful

I thank you all very much

mandag den 2. august 2010